Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga

Relinquishment With Confession 12

Origin Story

The Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī. At that time, Thullanandā bhikkhunī put on a dirty, worn out robe with holes, and went on almsround. When a woman saw her, she said: “Venerable, I’ll give a robe fund. Note that it’s for a robe.” Another person said: “I’ll give a bowl fund. Note that it’s for a bowl.” After she had received them, she used them up for drinks and food. She didn’t use them for a robe and a bowl. When another bhikkhunī went on almsround, the women asked: “We previously gave Thullanandā funds for a robe and a bowl. Has that been arranged yet?” She replied: “But she used them for drinks and food. How could they have been used for a robe and a bowl?”

When the bhikkhunīs heard this, they told Mahāpajāpatī, and for this reason, she went and informed the World-honored One. The Buddha said: “Summon that bhikkhunī.” When she came, he asked her: “Did you really do this?” She answered: “I really did this, World-honored One.” The Buddha said: “This is an unwholesome thing. Have you not heard me with countless skillful means praise having few wishes and criticize having many wishes? Why did you, when you obtained funds for a robe and a bowl, use them for another purpose? From now on, it’s no longer allowed.” The Buddha told Mahāpajāpatī: “Convene all the bhikkhunīs living in the vicinity of Sāvatthī. … Those who have already heard it should listen again:

Final Ruling

If a bhikkhunī uses offerings from people for a certain purpose to do something else, it’s a nissaggiya pācittiya.”


“A bhikkhunī” is as explained above. “Offerings for a certain purpose” means offerings of funds for robes or for bowls. “Using for something else” means arranging for drinks, food, liquid remedies, or medicines; this is a nissaggiya pācittiya. The item should be relinquished in the midst of the sangha and the pācittiya should be confessed. If people offer a robe fund, a bowl fund, or funds for ghee and oil, a bhikkhunī should know of the robe fund that this fund is for robes. She should know of the bowl fund that this fund is for bowls. She should know of the ghee fund that this fund is for ghee. She should know of the oil fund that this fund is for oil. If she uses it for a different purpose, it’s a nissaggiya pācittiya. If a supporter says: “Use it as you like,” there’s no offense. If nothing is specified, and she uses it as she likes, there’s no offense. If people offer a robe fund, a bowl fund, a ghee fund, or an oil fund to a bhikkhu, he should use a robe fund for a robe … should know of a ghee fund that it’s for ghee. If he uses it for a different purpose, he breaks a minor vinaya rule. If it’s to be used as he likes, there’s no offense. If nothing is specified, there’s no offense. This is what the World-honored One said.