Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga

Confession 1-70

Explanation of the 141 pācittiya rules, part one.

Summary Verse

Lying, (commenting in) various ways, speaking divisively, taking up,

Taking a life, reciting dhamma sentence by sentence, praising oneself for a superhuman state

Telling an unordained person of a coarse offense, giving and blocking, belittling and criticizing the precepts,

The first chapter is finished.

Summary Verse

Damaging seeds, irritating with evasive speech,

Rebuking, laying out outdoors, or in a covered place, throwing out by force,

Laying out first, a bed with pointed feet, pouring water with insects on grass or mud,

Causing doubt, regret, and unhappiness, the second chapter is finished.

Summary Verse

Eating once, several places, using a robe that was given and hasn’t been relinquished,

Instructing someone who hasn’t carried out the leftover food procedure, unoffered (food), eating at the wrong time.

Eating stored (food), two or three bowlfuls, hiding things, eating in a separate group,

The third chapter is finished.

Summary Verse

Lighting a fire, exceeding three nights, giving consent and later being resentful,

Entering the village and sending back, obstructions to the path, not having relinquished that view,

A sāmaṇerī, staining with three colors, picking up a jewel, frightening another,

The fourth chapter is finished.

Summary Verse

Drinking water with insects, non-Buddhist renunciates, a place for sex, sitting in a secluded place,

Watching an army, exceeding three nights, hoisting a flag, striking another,

Palm as weapon, playing in water, the fifth chapter is finished.

Summary Verse

Pointing at others with the fingers, a group of criminals, digging the earth, a four-month invitation,

Not following the training, drinking alcohol, belittling another, silently listening,

Settling matters, not lending an ear, the sixth chapter is finished.

Summary Verse

Leaving a group meal, the king’s palace, a needle case, exceeding 8 fingerbreadths,

Cotton, a sitting mat, a wound-cover, as big as the Tathāgata’s,

Slandering with a saṅghādisesa, diverting, the seventh chapter is finished.

As explained in detail in the bhikkhu precepts.