Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga

Confession 79

Origin Story

The Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī. At that time, there was a couple, husband and wife, who had gone forth among the Sakyan renunciates. Then Mahallaka, the husband, was eating, and the bhikkhunī stood at the side, pouring water for him, and fanning him with a fan. Mahallaka spoke of matters from the past, and the bhikkhunī became annoyed. She then splashed the water in his face and hit his head with the fan, criticizing him: “Because you don’t know gratitude, you speak of matters from the past. What shouldn’t be discussed, you still bring up.” When the bhikkhunīs saw this, they said to her: “Venerable, it’s not permitted to act like this towards the respected bhikkhu sangha.” She replied: “This Mahallaka is no good, and doesn’t know gratitude. What shouldn’t be discussed, he still brought up just now.”

The bhikkhunīs told Mahāpajāpatī, and she went to the World-honored One, and informed him of this matter. The Buddha said: “Summon that bhikkhunī.” When she came, he asked her: “Did you really do this?” She answered: “I really did this.” The Buddha said: “This is an unwholesome thing. Why did you, when a bhikkhu is eating, offer him water or a fan? This is against the dhamma, against the vinaya, against the Buddha’s teaching. One can’t develop in wholesome states like this. From now on, it’s no longer allowed.” The Buddha told Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī: “Convene all the bhikkhunīs living in the vicinity of Sāvatthī. … Those who have already heard it should listen again:

Final Ruling

If a bhikkhunī, when a bhikkhu is eating, offers him water or a fan, it’s a pācittiya.”


“A bhikkhunī” is as explained above. “A bhikkhu eating” means the five kinds of staple food Pāli: khādanīya.* and the five kinds of staple food mixed together. “Water and a fan” means taking a water bottle and pouring water, and fanning with a fan; this is a pācittiya. “Pācittiya” is as explained above. If a bhikkhunī holds a water bottle, but doesn’t hold a fan, she breaks a minor vinaya rule. If she holds a fan, but doesn’t hold water, she also breaks a minor vinaya rule. If she holds both items, it’s a pācittiya. If she doesn’t hold anything, there’s no offense. This offense is for one bhikkhu with one bhikkhunī. If she pours water and fans a group of bhikkhus, there’s no offense. If her father or elder brother is a member of the sangha, and she fans him with a fan, there’s no offense. This is what the World-honored One said.