Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga

Confession 90

Origin Story

The Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī. At that time, Thullanandā bhikkhunī, when the right time had come, put on her robe, took her bowl, went to a great household, and stood in front of the gate. Bhikkhus came on almsround, and she said: “May the respected bhikkhu enter this house. They’re making food for the venerables. After food has been offered to you, I’ll eat myself.” When bhikkhunīs came, she spoke again: “May the venerables enter. The supporters are making food for you. After food has been offered to you, I’ll eat myself.” Sometimes she said: “Other households also have food. Why must everyone be here?” Like this, she protected that household out of stinginess and jealousy from all non-Buddhist renunciates on almsround.

When the bhikkhunīs heard this, they told Mahāpajāpatī, … She answered: “I really did this, World-honored One.” The Buddha said: “This is an unwholesome thing. Why did you protect households out of stinginess and jealousy? From now on, it’s no longer allowed.” The Buddha told Mahāpajāpatī: “Convene all the bhikkhunīs living in the vicinity of Sāvatthī. … Those who have already heard it should listen again:

Final Ruling

If a bhikkhunī protects households out of stinginess and jealousy, it’s a pācittiya.”


“A bhikkhunī” is as explained above. “Households” means households of the four classes. “Stinginess and jealously” means like Thullanandā bhikkhunī. “Pācittiya” is as explained above. A bhikkhunī may not protect households out of stinginess and jealousy. If a bhikkhu or a bhikkhunī asks her, she should answer truthfully. If non-Buddhist renunciates ask, and she worries about their defiled, non-Buddhist wrong views, and she criticizes them, there’s no offense. If a bhikkhu is reluctant to share households out of stinginess and jealousy, he breaks a minor vinaya rule. This is what the World-honored One said.

Summary Verse

Giving food with one’s hand, doctor, teaching medicinal treatments, assisting lay people with work,

Entering without calling out, living closely together, cursing oneself, hitting oneself and weeping,

Criticizing, protecting households, the ninth chapter is finished.