Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga

Confession 114

Origin Story

The Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī. At that time, group-of-six bhikkhunīs slept together on one mat and one bed. The pillow and the mat were torn, and the bed was also damaged.

For this reason, the bhikkhunīs spoke with Mahāpajāpatī, and she … The Buddha said: “Summon those bhikkhunīs.” When they came, he asked them: “Did you really do this?” They answered: “We really did this.” The Buddha said: “This is an unwholesome thing. … ” The Buddha told Mahāpajāpatī: “Convene all the bhikkhunīs living in the vicinity of Sāvatthī. … Those who have already heard it should listen again:

Final Ruling

If bhikkhunīs together lay out a bed and a mat, and lie down, it’s a pācittiya.”


“Laying out” means together on one mat, one cover, and one bed. “A bed” means the fourteen kinds: … a kilaṁja a screened-off bed*; this is a pācittiya. “Pācittiya” is as explained above. One may not lie down together on a bed. On one bed, one person may lie down. On a bed of three seats, two people may lie down. When they stretch out their legs, they may not extend them further than a knee-length. If they lay out mats, then on three mats two people may lie down. When they stretch out their legs, they may not extend them further than a knee-length. If they lay it out on the ground, they may not take up too much space. They should each be separated, out of arm’s reach, and everyone should lay out their own sitting mat and lie down. If it’s winter, it’s allowed for several people to be under the same upper blanket, and if each one also has her own cover, there’s no offense. If bhikkhus sleep together on a bed, they break a minor vinaya rule. This is what the World-honored One said.