Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga

Confession 122

Origin Story

The Buddha was staying at Vesāli. At that time Bhaddā bhikkhunī went to her relatives’ house, and wispered in the ears of her brothers’ and sisters’ sons, while staying within arm’s reach. The slaves were upset and said: “This renunciate whispers in their ears. Surely she speaks about our faults.”

When the bhikkhunīs heard this, they told Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, … Those who have already heard it should listen again:

Final Ruling

If a bhikkhunī stays within arm’s reach of a man, and whispers in his ear, it’s a pācittiya.”


“A bhikkhunī” is as explained above. “Within arm’s reach” means staying together within arm’s reach. “Whispering in the ear” means talking with each other next to the ear; this is a pācittiya. A bhikkhunī may not stay within arm’s reach of a man, and talk with him, if she whispers in his ear. If they want to talk with each other, they should stay out of arm’s reach. If they want to discuss secrets, they should be separated by a fence, a wall, a tree, or a screen. For a bhikkhunī, this is a pācittiya. For a bhikkhu, if he stays within arm’s reach of a woman and they whisper in each other’s ears, he breaks a minor vinaya rule. This is what the World-honored One said.