Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga

Confession 125

Origin Story

The Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī. At that time, bhikkhunīs were quarreling and didn’t live in harmony. Then Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī was the group’s leader. She couldn’t put and end to the conflicts that had arisen in the sangha. And the conflicts that hadn’t yet arisen, she couldn’t prevent from arising.

For this reason, the bhikkhunīs went and spoke with the World-honored One. The Buddha said: “Summon Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī.” When she came, he asked her: “Gotamī, did you really do this?” She answered: “I really did this.” The Buddha said: “Why did you not settle an arisen conflict? And why were you not able to find a skillful means to prevent conflicts that hadn’t yet arisen from arising? From now on, arisen conflicts should be settled.” The Buddha told Mahāpajāpatī: “Convene all the bhikkhunīs living in the vicinity of Sāvatthī. … Those who have already heard it should listen again:

Final Ruling

If bhikkhunīs are quarreling and don’t live in harmony, and the group’s leader doesn’t take action to settle it, it’s a pācittiya.”


“A bhikkhunī” is as explained above. “Fighting” means verbally fighting. “Quarreling” means trying to get the upper hand over each other, not living in harmony: “This is dhamma, this isn’t dhamma; this is vinaya, this isn’t vinaya; this is an offense, this isn’t an offense; this is light, this is heavy; this is corrigible, this is non-corrigible; this has a remainder, this has no remainder; this is a formal act in accordance with dhamma, this is a formal act not in accordance with dhamma; this is a formal act in harmony, this isn’t a formal act in harmony; this formal act should be done, this formal act shouldn’t be done; this is a formal act in an appropriate location, this is a formal act in an inappropriate location.” “The group’s leader” means someone whom the group looks up to, and who is able to make their own judgements. “Not taking action to settle it” means not ending it oneself, and not have people end it. This is a pācittiya. “Pācittiya” is as explained above. If bhikkhunīs quarrel and don’t live in harmony, one may not disregard it. One should take action to settle it, and have them confess their transgressions to each other. If the’ssue still doesn’t stop, the master of ceremony should gather the sangha to take action. If they aren’t able to do it by themselves, they should ask other groups who have virtuous bhikkhunīs, or a bhikkhu, or lay Buddhists to end it. If the conflict is difficult to end, one should think: “In the group, a kammic result has arisen. If I wait a while for the ripening, it’ll end by itself.” If she acts like this, there’s no offense. If bhikkhus are quarreling, and the group’s leader doesn’t take action to end it, he breaks a minor vinaya rule. This is what the World-honored One said.