Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga

Confession 132

Origin Story

The Buddha was staying at Sāvatthi. At that time, senior bhikkhus were instructing the bhikkhunīs. Then the group-of-six bhikkhus were not allowed to instruct. The next time, they said: “We’ll go to instruct.” They also added: “The World-honored One has laid down a precept that it’s not allowed to instruct unauthorized. We’ll leave the territory to appoint each other, and then go.” Then they appointed each other outside the territory. When it was morning, they put on their robes, and went to the bhikkhunīs’ residence. They said to the bhikkhunīs: “Sisters, have everyone assemble. We’ll instruct you.” At that time, the group-of-six bhikkhunīs then quickly assembled. The virtuous bhikkhunīs didn’t come and said: “We can’t receive instruction from people who don’t keep vinaya.” Then when the group-of-six bhikkhus and the group-of-six bhikkhunīs had talked about worldly matters, they left instantly. At that time, the senior bhikkhu Nanda put on his robes, took his bowl, came to the monastery and said: “Sisters, convene the sangha, I want to instruct you.” At this, the virtuous bhikkhunīs all assembled. The group-of-six bhikkhunīs didn’t come. The elder asked: “Has the bhikkhunī sangha assembled?” They answered: “It hasn’t (fully) assembled.” “Who hasn’t assembled?” They answered: “The group-of-six bhikkhunīs.” “Then send a message to summon them. When the sisters have come, I want to instruct you.” They answered: “We won’t come. We have already received instruction from the teachers of the group-of-six.” Then the elder said: “The bhikkhunī sangha isn’t in harmony,” and he got up and left. The Buddha knew about this and intentionally asked him: “Why was your instruction so fast?” He answered: “World-honored One, when the time had come, I put on my robes and went there, wanting to instruct. The virtuous bhikkhunīs all assembled. Only the group-of-six bhikkhunīs didn’t come. Because the bhikkhunī sangha was not in harmony, it’s not allowed to instruct.”

The Buddha said: “Summon the group-of-six bhikkhunīs.” When they came, he asked them: “Did you really do this?” They answered: “We really did this.” … Those who have already heard it should listen again:

Final Ruling

If a bhikkhunī doesn’t respect and doesn’t attend the half-monthly instruction of the sangha, it’s a pācittiya.”


“A bhikkhunī” is as explained above. “Half-monthly” means on the fourteenth or the fifteenth day. “Instruction of the sangha” means instruction of the bhikkhunīs. If she doesn’t respect and doesn’t attend, it’s a pācittiya. “Pācittiya” is as explained above. If she’s old, weak, sick, taking medicine, has cut her head and is bleeding, or taking ghee, she should give consent by saying: “I, So-and-so, give consent for the instruction.” Like this, she should speak three times. If she’s not sick and doesn’t go, or if she’s sick and doesn’t give consent, it’s a pācittiya. When the uposatha day has come, (the sangha) should send bhikkhunīs to take consent, go to the bhikkhu sangha, and say: “The bhikkhunī sangha in harmony pays respect with their heads at the bhikkhu sangha’s feet. We ask for the uposatha and invite for the instruction.” Like this, they should speak three times. If there’s an instructor of bhikkhunīs in the bhikkhu sangha, they should say: “May the sisters stay.” If there’s a bhikkhu who fulfills the 12 requirements, they should do the formal act for the instruction. If there’s nobody, they should say: “There’s no instructor of bhikkhunīs, don’t be negligent.” This is what the World-honored One said.