Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Pakiṇṇaka

Pakiṇṇaka 2

The rule on bamboo mats

The Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī. At that time, a bhikkhunī spread out a bamboo mat to sew a robe. A bamboo splinter hurt her vagina and it bled. The bhikkhunīs for this reason went and informed the World-honored One. The Buddha said: “From now on, it’s no longer allowed for a bhikkhunī to sit on a bamboo mat. When sewing a robe, she should sew it in the dhamma hall, the sauna, or in a large smoothed out area. If there are no such places, she should spread it out on the bed or on her knees to sew it. If she sits on a bamboo mat, she breaks a minor vinaya rule.” This is called the rule on bamboo mats.