Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga

Suspension 10

Origin Story

The Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī. At that time, Kālī bhikkhunī was wandering among villages. After she had left, the sangha carried out an act of suspension against the student depending on her. When the teacher returned, the student told her: “The sangha has carried out an act of suspension against me. I may not take dhamma nourishment or material nourishment together with them.” Then (Kālī) criticized them, and said: “Be quiet. I’ll just have the sangha assemble.” Then she assembled the sangha. All the bhikkhunīs thought: “This bhikkhunī has returned from wandering and assembles the sangha. Usually there’s happiness and offerings. What gift will we receive today?” All were happy and assembled quickly. When they had assembled, (Kālī) called out:


“May the noble sangha listen. The sangha has carried out an act of suspension against bhikkhunī So-and-so. If the right time has come for the sangha, may the sangha lift the act of suspension against bhikkhunī So-and so. This is the motion. May the noble sangha listen. The sangha has carried out an act of suspension against bhikkhunī So-and-so. The sangha now lifts the act of suspension against bhikkhunī So-and so. If the noble sangha accepts to lift the act of suspension against bhikkhunī So-and-so, you should remain silent. If you don’t accept this, you should speak. This is the first announcement.” Likewise three announcements.

Origin Story (continued)

The bhikkhunīs saw that this bhikkhunī’s eyes were frightening. They didn’t dare to stop her. They said to each other: “What is she talking about?” They all replied: “I also don’t know.”

The bhikkhunīs informed Mahāpajāpatī, and she for this reason went and informed the World-honored One. The Buddha said: “Summon that bhikkhunī.” When she came, he asked her: “Did you really do this?” She answered: “I really did this.” The Buddha said: “This is an unwholesome thing. Why did you, when you knew that the bhikkhunī sangha had carried out an act of suspension according to dhamma and vinaya against someone who hasn’t yet behaved appropriately, who hasn’t yet acted according to dhamma, without first speaking with the sangha, lift the formal act yourself? From now on, it’s no longer allowed.” The Buddha told Mahāpajāpatī: “Convene all the bhikkhunīs living in the vicinity of Sāvatthī. … Those who have already heard it should listen again:

Final Ruling

If a bhikkhunī knows that the bhikkhunī sangha in harmony has carried out an act of suspension according to dhamma and vinaya (against someone) who hasn’t yet acted according to dhamma, and she herself lifts it, without first speaking with the sangha, it’s an immediate saṅghādisesa offense.”


“A bhikkhunī” is as explained above. “Knowing” means she either knows herself or hears it from others. “In harmony” means an undivided asssembly. “According to dhamma and vinaya” means for not seeing an offense, for not clearing it, or for not giving up the three wrong views. “An act of suspension” means she can’t live in community. “Not yet acted according to dhamma” means she hasn’t yet behaved appropriately, and her mind hasn’t yet been corrected, and the sangha hasn’t yet lifted the suspension. “Without first speaking” means one hasn’t yet carried out the formal act to request permission Pāli: apalokana-kamma.* in the midst of the sangha, and lifts it oneself in the midst of the sangha. This rule is an immediate saṅghādisesa offense. “A saṅghādisesa” is as explained above. If the sangha in harmony has carried out an act of suspension against one’s student, her preceptor or teacher should go to the senior bhikkhunī and say: “Who is without foolishness and never transgresses a rule? Now wisdom is established in her mind. She did this unknowingly. She won’t do it again.” Like this, they should speak to everyone to soften people’s minds. Afterwards, they should carry out the formal act to request permission in the midst of the sangha. They should speak like this:


“May the noble sangha listen. The sangha has carried out an act of suspension against bhikkhunī So-and-so for this reason. She has behaved appropriately, her mind has been softened, and she has given up (the wrong behavior). If the right time has come for the sangha, So-and-so wants to ask the sangha to lift the act of suspension. May the noble sangha listen. So-and-so wants to ask the sangha to lift the act of suspension. The sangha accepts this, therefore you’re silent. This matter is remembered thus.” Afterwards, she should ask.

Explanation (continued)

If someone blocks it, the precepter should speak with her in gentle words to make her stop. If a bhikkhu(nī) The text says “bhikkhunī” but it seems to be a typo.* knows that the sangha in harmony has carried out an act of suspension according to dhamma and vinaya, and he himself lifts it, he breaks a minor vinaya rule.