Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga

Suspension 16

Origin Story

The Buddha was staying at Kosambī. When Chandamātā bhikkhunī was taught by bhikkhunīs of the same affiliation according to dhamma and vinaya: “You should train like this, don’t transgress,” she made herself unapproachable for talking together. As explained in detail in “Chanda’s contrary speech”. …

Final Ruling

If a bhikkhunī speaks obstinately and contrarily when bhikkhunīs of the same affiliation teach her in accordance with dhamma and vinaya, and with obstinate intentions, says: ‘Don’t say whether I’m good or bad. I also don’t say whether you’re good or bad,’ the bhikkhunīs should admonish that bhikkhunī: ‘Venerable, don’t act obstinately when the bhikkhunīs of the same affiliation teach you according to dhamma and vinaya. When the bhikkhunīs teach you, you should accept it faithfully. You should also teach the bhikkhunīs according to dhamma and vinaya. Why? The disciples of the Tathāgata teach each other and admonish each other, to come out of shared offenses and to achieve growth in wholesome states.’ If that bhikkhunī when admonished by the bhikkhunīs persists firmly, and doesn’t give it up, she should be admonished a second and a third time. If she gives up this matter, it’s fine. If not, this rule is a saṅghādisesa after three admonishments.”


As explained in detail in the bhikkhu precept. This is what was said.