Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Garudhamma 7

(Spending the rains with bhikkhus)


One may not spend the rains retreat unsupported by bhikkhus. If a relative wants to invite a bhikkhunī for the rains retreat, the bhikkhunī should tell the supporter: “Invite a venerable (monk) first.” If they say: “I don’t have respect for them. I truly want to invite the bhikkhunī,” she should say: “I also won’t come.” If she goes there because of her relative’s request, she should invite a bhikkhu herself. When they have arrived there, she should properly arrange breakfast, lunch, the afternoon tonics, and the rains retreat robe without anything lacking. If the relative doesn’t give it, she should herself take surplus from her own robes and bowl and provide it. If the bhikkhu dies, disrobes, or goes to another place during the rains retreat, the bhikkhunī may not go. If there’s a monastery within three yojanas, they should connect their territories, and she should go and ask them for the uposatha every half month. If on the road, criminals cause trouble and fear, and she’s afraid that she’d be killed or raped, if there’s such trouble, she should go for the invitation ceremony at the end of the second rains retreat. If the problems still persist, she should tell the relative: “Invite a bhikkhu to come for me.” When he has come, she should provide for his needs, breakfast, lunch, and the afternoon tonics without anything lacking. After the invitation ceremony, she should return to her previous place. If a bhikkhunī wants to spend the rainy season in a place without bhikkhus, she may not spend the rainy season there. If she spends it there, she transgresses against this rule of respect. This is called “a bhikkhunī may not spend the rains retreat where no bhikkhus are staying.” The seventh rule of respect is finished.