Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Garudhamma 8

(Inviting both sanghas)


When the bhikkhunīs have finished the rains retreat, they should perform the invitation ceremony in both sanghas. On the invitation day, the bhikkhunīs perform the invitation ceremony, and on the next day at dawn, they should all go to the bhikkhu sangha to perform the invitation ceremony. The bhikkhunī sangha should do a formal act (to appoint) a bhikkhunī who is able to perform the invitation. The master of ceremony should say:


“May the bhikkhunī sangha listen. Bhikkhunī So-and-so is able to act as the person who invites on behalf of the bhikkhunī sangha. If the right time has come for the sangha, may the sangha do a formal act (to appoint) bhikkhunī So-and-so to act as the person who invites on behalf of the bhikkhunī sangha. May the bhikkhunī sangha listen. Bhikkhunī So-and-so will act as the person who invites on behalf of the bhikkhunī sangha. The sangha accepts this, therefore you’re silent. This matter is remembered thus.”

Explanation (continued)

If there’s a bhikkhunī sangha, and both assemblies are in harmony, she should say: “The bhikkhunī sangha in harmony invites the bhikkhu sangha in harmony. If you’ve seen, heard, or suspected an offense, the sangha should speak out of compassion for us. If you’ve seen, heard, or suspected an offense, we’ll remove it according to dhamma.” A second and third time are recited in the same way.

If there’s a bhikkhu sangha in harmony, and a group of bhikkhunīs, she should say: “A group of bhikkhunīs invites the bhikkhu sangha in harmony. If you’ve seen, heard, or suspected an offense, the sangha should speak out of compassion for us. If we know and see it, we’ll remove it according to dhamma.” A second and third time are recited in the same way.

If there’s a bhikkhu sangha in harmony, and one bhikkhunī, she should say: “I, a bhikkhunī, invite the bhikkhu sangha in harmony. If you’ve seen, heard, or suspected an offense, the sangha should speak out of compassion for me. If I know and see it, I’ll remove it according to dhamma.” A second and third time are recited in the same way.

If there’s a group of bhikkhus, and a bhikkhunī sangha in harmony, she should say: “The bhikkhunī sangha in harmony invites the venerables. If you’ve seen, heard, or suspected an offense, the venerables should speak out of compassion for us. If we know and see it, we’ll remove it according to dhamma.” A second and third time are recited in the same way.

If there’s a group of bhikkhus, and a group of bhikkhunīs, she should say: “A group of bhikkhunīs invites the venerables. …” A second and third time are recited in the same way.

If there’s one bhikkhu, and just one bhikkhunī, she should say: “I, a bhikkhunī, invite the venerable. If you’ve seen, heard, or suspected an offense, you should speak out of compassion for me. If I know and see it, I’ll remove it according to dhamma.” A second and third time are recited in the same way.

When the bhikkhunīs have finished the rains retreat, they should perform the invitation ceremony in both sanghas in this way. If a bhikkhunī after 16 days hasn’t gone to the bhikkhu sangha to perform the invitation ceremony, and she goes on the 17th day to perform it, she transgresses against this rule of respect. This is called the bhikkhunīs’ eighth rule of respect.

Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya, 30th fascicle.