Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Pakiṇṇaka

Pakiṇṇaka 34

The Buddha was staying at Sāvatthī. At that time, the precept about bhikkhunīs and the wilderness hadn’t yet been laid down. There were no residences in villages yet. Then 500 bhikkhunīs with Mahāpajāpatī as their leader were staying in the king’s park. The women from Sakyan and Mallan families were young and graceful. Young men waited for them at the beginning of the night, and wanted to get hold of the bhikkhunīs. Having seen them, the bhikkhunīs rose up in the air and left. In the middle of the night, they came back again, and (the bhikkhunīs) did the same again. At the end of the night, they came again. Among (the bhikkhunīs) were some with dull faculties, who hadn’t entered concentration in time, and were sleeping. So they then didn’t manage to leave, and were seized by force. Mahāpajāpatī went to the World-honored One, and informed him of this matter. The Buddha said: “From now on, it’s no longer allowed for a bhikkhunī to stay in the wilderness. If the four assemblies gather throughout the night to hear the dhamma, she may stay. At that time, she may not be in a secluded place. If a bhikkhunī stays in the wilderness, she breaks a minor vinaya rule. This is called the rule on the wilderness.