Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Pakiṇṇaka

Pakiṇṇaka 35

When bhikkhus receive a kaṭhina robe, the act isn’t valid for the bhikkhunīs. When bhikkhunīs receive a kaṭhina robe, the act isn’t valid for the bhikkhus. When bhikkhus relinquish it, the act isn’t valid for the bhikkhunīs. When bhikkhunīs relinquish it, the act isn’t valid for the bhikkhus.

The bhikkhus’ offerings and non-offerings The Chinese text transliterates “abhihāra-anabhihāra”. It seems that this is a misunderstanding of the Indic text from which it was translated. The Lokuttaravāda parallel says: “yo bhikṣūṇām abhihāro an-abhihāro so bhikṣuṇīnāṁ” (An offering to the bhikkhus isn’t an offering to the bhikkhunīs.) “An-abhihāro” therefore isn’t a thing, and should have been translated as “isn’t an offering” instead of transliterating it.* are not for the bhikkhunīs. The bhikkhunīs’ offerings and non-offerings are not for the bhikkhus.

Summary Verse

Covering the bowl, jewels in the bowl, an open toilet, entering a bathroom,

Living in the wilderness, bhikkhus receiving kaṭhina,

not valid for bhikkhunīs, bhikkhus relinquishing kaṭhina,

not valid for bhikkhunīs, the fourth chapter is finished.