Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga

Suspension 13

Origin Story

The Buddha was staying at Rājagaha. “Splitting the sangha” and “Helping each other” are as explained in detail in the bhikkhu rules. This is what the World-honored One said.

Final Ruling

If a bhikkhunī, because she wants to split the sangha in harmony, strives with expedient means, holds on to matters which split the sangha, and quarrels with others, the bhikkhunīs should say to that bhikkhunī: ‘Venerable, don’t split the sangha in harmony by striving with expedient means, holding on to matters which split the sangha, and quarreling with others. You should conduct matters together with the sangha. Why? A sangha in harmony is happy and doesn’t quarrel. We should train together, mix like water and milk, speak according to dhamma, and live comfortably.’ If that bhikkhunī when admonished by the bhikkhunīs persists firmly, and doesn’t give it up, she should be admonished a second and a third time. If she gives up this matter, it’s fine. If not, this rule is a saṅghādisesa after three admonishments.