Mahāsaṅghika Vinaya

Bhikkhunī Vibhaṅga

Suspension 14

If bhikkhunīs with the same intentions help each other, whether one, two, or many, speaking in the same way and having the same views, wanting to split the sangha in harmony, and if, when the other bhikkhunīs admonish the bhikkhunī (of the previous rule), these bhikkhunīs with the same intentions say: ‘Venerables, don’t say whether that bhikkhunī is good or bad. Why? That bhikkhunī speaks the dhamma and the vinaya. Whatever that bhikkhunī says, is what we also wish for. That bhikkhunī’s views, and the things she wishes for and approves of, are what we also wish for and approve of. That bhikkhunī speaks with knowledge, not without knowledge,’ then the other bhikkhunīs should admonish the bhikkhunīs with the same intentions: ‘Venerables, don’t say: “That bhikkhunī speaks the dhamma and the vinaya.” Why? That bhikkhunī doesn’t speak the dhamma and the vinaya. Venerables, don’t support matters that split the sangha. You should take pleasure in supporting harmony in the sangha. Why? A sangha in harmony is happy and doesn’t quarrel. We should train together, mix like water and milk, speak according to dhamma, and live comfortably.’ If these bhikkhunīs when admonished by the bhikkhunīs persist firmly, and don’t give it up, they should be admonished a second and a third time. If they give up this matter, it’s fine. If not, this rule is a saṅghādisesa after three admonishments.